Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Boxed Set - Scott Cawthon, Anne West Carly, Andrea Waggener, Elley Cooper, Kelly Parra

Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Boxed Set - Scott Cawthon, Anne West Carly, Andrea Waggener, Elley Cooper, Kelly Parra

Výrobce: Scholastic
Označení: 9781338803228
Zařazení: Média > Knihy

Tento produkt nabízí 2 obchody, již od od 1909.00 Kč

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KnihyDobrovský.cz2031.00 KčsklademJít do obchodu
Martinus.cz1909.00 KčsklademJít do obchodu

Informace Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Boxed Set - Scott Cawthon, Anne West Carly, Andrea Waggener, Elley Cooper, Kelly Parra

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author and creator of Five Nights at Freddy's, don't miss this twelve-book boxed set, which includes stories that were left on the cutting room floor from books one through eleven!All eleven Fazbear Frights books in one amazing box set, plus a twelfth book of bonus stories â?? stories that didn't make the cut for the first eleven books! Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length in each book of this collection, with stories from different corners of his series' canon.

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