The Hunting Book - Oliver Dorn

The Hunting Book - Oliver Dorn

Výrobce: teNeues
Označení: 9783961710171
Zařazení: Média > Knihy

Tento produkt nabízí 1 obchod, již od od 1879.00 Kč

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KnihyDobrovský.cz1879.00 KčsklademJít do obchodu

Informace The Hunting Book - Oliver Dorn

While a necessity in earlier times, hunting today provokes heated discussion between people for and against this most ancient of activities. Regardless, the cadre of hunters only seems to grow. The Hunting Book brings the passion and excitement that fills the heart of the hunter. Unique photos and informative text by author Oliver Dorn, a specialist in hunting-related matters, discuss the historical origins of the hunt and explains its place in today's world. The book introduces well-established top companies (as well as newcomers) to the industry and shares top tips for hunting equipment and accessories: from handmade guns to custom-fitted hunting clothing. You'll also learn about the best hunting grounds around the world and why various VIPs enjoy the sport of hunting. Selected tasty wild game dishes remind us that hunting also serves a culinary purpose. The Hunting Book invites you to experience everything special about the hunt and share the fascination that it still inspires today. In that spirit, we wish you good hunting!

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