Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf

Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf

Výrobce: Greenwood
Označení: 9781440870194
Zařazení: Média > Knihy

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Informace Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf

Now in its second edition, the Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming is the definitive, go-to resource for anyone interested in the diverse and expanding video game industry. This three-volume encyclopedia covers all things video games, including the games themselves, the companies that make them, and the people who play them. Written by scholars who are exceptionally knowledgeable in the field of video game studies, it notes genres, institutions, important concepts, theoretical concerns, and more and is the most comprehensive encyclopedia of video games of its kind, covering video games throughout all periods of their existence and geographically around the world. This is the second edition of Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming, originally published in 2012. All of the entries have been revised to accommodate changes in the industry, and an additional volume has been added to address the recent developments, advances, and changes that have occurred in this ever-evolving field. This set is a vital resource for scholars and video game aficionados alike. Explores games, people, events, and ideas that are influential in the industry, rather than simply discussing the history of video games Offers a detailed understanding of the variety of video games that have been created over the years Includes contributions from some of the most important scholars of video games Suggests areas of further exploration for students of video games

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