Steve Schapiro, Taxi Driver

Steve Schapiro, Taxi Driver

Výrobce: Taschen
Označení: 9783836500081
Zařazení: Média > Knihy

Tento produkt nabízí 1 obchod, již od od 33025.00 Kč

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KnihyDobrovský.cz33025.00 KčsklademJít do obchodu

Informace Steve Schapiro, Taxi Driver

Blood and guns in post-Vietnam America Taxi Driver has long been regarded as a cinematic milestone, and Robert DeNiro's portrait of a trigger-happy psychopath with a mohawk is widely believed to be one of the greatest performances ever filmed. Time magazine includes the film in its list of 100 Greatest Movies, saying: "The power of Scorsese's filmmaking grows ever more punishing with the passage of time." Steve Schapiro—whose photographs were featured in TASCHEN'sGodfather Family Album—was the special photographer on the set of Taxi Driver, capturing the film's most intense and violent moments from behind the scenes. This book—more than a film still book but a pure photo book on its own—features hundreds of unseen images selected from Schapiro's archives, painting a chilling portrait of a deranged gunman in the angry climate of the post-Vietnam era.

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