Mark Ryden, Pinxit - Collector´s Edition - Ryden Mark

Mark Ryden, Pinxit - Collector´s Edition - Ryden Mark

Výrobce: Taschen
Označení: 9783836520669
Zařazení: Média > Knihy

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Informace Mark Ryden, Pinxit - Collector´s Edition - Ryden Mark

Fuzzy bunnies, big-eyed girls, meat, magic, and mystery Mark Ryden’s carnival of curiosities Blending themes of pop culture with techniques reminiscent of the old masters, Mark Ryden has created a singular style that blurs the traditional boundaries between high and low art. His work first garnered attention in the 1990s when he ushered in a new genre of painting, “Pop Surrealism,” dragging a host of followers in his wake. He has trumped the initial surrealist strategies by choosing subject matter loaded with cultural connotation.

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